doing archaeology, schedule (links in blue)
Dates |
Topic |
what should i Do Before class? |
due dates |
WEEK 1: understanding the value and basic practices of archaeology
17 Feb
9:00 to 11:10 am, Barnes 410
1. Course Overview. 2. What is archaeology? 3. How are artifacts used to develop inferences? Observation and inference activity. Worksheet similar to what will be used with Kelly. 4. Start scheduling individual student meetings. 11:15 First Mondays |
18 Feb
9:00 to 12:00 pm
1. Discuss Kelly 2. Describe assignment associated with Kelly 3. Introduction to archaeology through the Cactus Ruin activity (Themes: the scientific method as applied in archaeological research, research design, inference, and sampling). 4. Introduction to Field Notebooks for afternoon. 5. Questions about course? 1:00 to 3:00 Lab (Barnes 410). Map and compass. Reading topographic maps and orienting a map. Example of topo maps in Compass reports (Pulpit Rock). |
READ: Kelly, The Fifth Beginning, pp. ix to 19.
READ: Shafer-Elliott (textbook), pp. 7-14, 20-33 READ: Field Methods, Research Design and Sampling Techniques, pp. 21 to 25 (Canvas, Files) READ: Resources to prepare for the Cactus Ruin activity in class, click here. READ: Key Concepts page (select link) so you recognize when you're encountering a term/concept. READ: Entire course website; review rubrics (click links on Grading page) come to class with any questions. FOR LAB: READ: USGS, Topographic Map symbols (Canvas) WATCH: REI, How to Read a Topo Map |
19 Feb
9:00 to 12:00
1. Discuss Kelly: Technology, Culture 2. Formation processes, context, artifact types ACTIVITY: Introduction to artifacts.Focus on lithics, draw, measure, and photograph. |
READ: Kelly, The Fifth Beginning, pp. 20-57
READ: Shafer-Elliott, pp. 65-93 READ: What is left? Evidence (Canvas, Files). |
20 Feb
9:00 to 12:00.
1. Discuss Kelly: Agriculture, State, and Fifth Beginning 2. Introduction to Colwell 3. Select student discussion leaders of Colwell 4. Introduction to mapping ACTIVITY: Surveying and using a Garmin and Trimble to take GPS points/lines; data will be imported during the GIS lab on Friday. Dress warmly - we'll go outside to use the Trimbles. |
READ: Kelly, The Fifth Beginning, pp. 58 to 122.
READ: Stearns 1998, Why Study History? (click link) READ: OAHP Survey manual, on Mapping, pp. 25-30 READ: Shafer-Elliot, pp. 94-96 |
21 Feb
9:00 to 12:00 Meet at GIS lab on the first floor of the library. Topics and activities to include: brief intro to GIS. Intro to producing a site map. Step by step instructions on importing Trimble and Garmin data in ArcMap. Now, start making a map!
READ: Colwell, pp. 1-12
READ: Field Methods in Archaeology, Mapping (Canvas, Files) READ: Mapping information INSPECT: The sample sketch maps and survey map in the Files, folder: "2_Sample Maps.." These are the types of maps you will need to produce for the Final Field Report. |
SUBMIT on Canvas: 9:00 am Answers to questions on Kelly.
WEEK 2: building archaeological skills for site recording
24 Feb
9:00 to 12:00
1. Discuss Kelly 2. Discuss Colwell 3. How is knowledge created in archaeology (flow chart)? 4. Introduce Cultural Resource Survey Report |
READ: Colwell, Living Histories, Histories and Traditions, pp. 1-44
SKIM/READ: OST CC 01 Class II Survey 2017 READ: Colorado Cultural Resource Survey Manual, pp. 52-56 |
25 Feb
9:00 to 12:00
1. Discuss Colwell 2. Review site maps 3. Introduction to technical writing 1:00 to 3:00 Lab Skill building for documenting an archaeological site. Eight stations, from the Management Component Form to photographing artifacts. |
READ: Colwell, Living Histories, Explorations and Contestations, pp. 45-82
READ: Budinski, Technical Writing, CH 1, IMPORTANT! This clarifies the writing expectation for the Survey Report you will do. READ: Sarther, Enough with that word! For afternoon lab: REVIEW/SKIM: Horn, Historic Artifact Guide REVIEW/SKIM: Canvas Folder, Site Forms, OAHP |
9:00 First GIS maps due, review in class.
26 Feb
9:00 to 12:00
1. Discuss Colwell 2. Build a document management system for the survey and report: Dropbox and OneNote. Activity: Team meetings on creating the report - starting research now by building the document template, deciding on who is doing what, and building a file management system. |
READ: Colwell, Living Histories, Law and Ethics, pp. 83-108
READ: Shafer-Elliot, pp. 58-62, 140-143 REVIEW: Readings on research design from Week 1. We'll be working on our research design tomorrow in class. REVIEW: OST CC 01 Class II Survey 2017 - Having an example of a completed report is helpful. "Take Action" Society for American Archaeology, Find my Representative and Issues List. |
27 Feb
9:00 to 12:00
1. Discuss Colwell 2. Discuss chapter, Field Methods in Archaeology, Site Survey 3. Create Research Design 3. What is excavation? ACTIVITY: Research Design for visit to archaeological site. |
READ: Colwell, Communities and Collaborations, pp. 109-132.
READ: Field Methods in Archaeology, Site Survey (Canvas) READ: OAHP, Survey Manual, pp. 13-19 READ: Shafer-Elliot, pp. 44-57 REVIEW: Two CRM Survey Report in the Canvas Folder: 1_Pulpit Rock Park, CC 02 Project Resources READ: Cultural Resource Survey Report assignment |
28 Feb
9:00 to 12:00 pm Field trip. Historic site visit to record a historic archaeological site.
8:55 am meet at loading dock, turnaround behind Barnes (north side). Dress warmly, wear multiple layers! |
READ: Shafer-Elliot, pp. 34-37, 186-196
REVIEW: All site forms and instructions that will be used in the field: Management Component Form, Historic Component Form, Photo log, etc. REVIEW: Equipment list, modify based on 1/2 day in the field and weather, as discussed in class. |
week 3: rePORTING an archaeological site
2 Mar
9:00 to 12:00 Meet at the GIS Lab. Activities to include: Brief review of how to produce a site map. Work time on your own to map a site with points taken in the field and imported during Session
NEW: Introducing a Location Map |
MAKE PROGRESS ON: sections of your Cultural Resource Survey Report
3 Mar
9:00 to 12:00 Meet at the GIS Lab. Activities to include: Continue working on Location and Sketch maps for Pulpit Rock Park Survey CC 02. Import new points/polygons and work on producing a site map, as desired.
NEW: Where to find and download layers to build your own maps in the future. 1:00 to 3:00 Lab (Barnes 412). NRHP evaluations and all group Q & A on the Cultural Resource Survey Report followed by team meetings and collaborative work time. Peer review of Sketch and Location maps. |
FOR LAB: Bring site maps to class for discussion and critique
4 Mar
9:00 to 12:00
1. Discuss Colwell. 2. Sampling Activity: How do we find sites? |
READ: Colwell, Living Histories, Conclusion pp. 133-138 and review your notes on the book.
READ: Field Methods, Research Design and Sampling Techniques, pp. 25 to 33 (chapter in Canvas, Files) |
5 Mar
9:00 to 12:00
Discussion led by Anna Cordova, Colorado Springs City Archaeologist 1. Discuss Kennett et al. and Claw et al. 2. What to expect at a professional conference? |
READ: Kennett et al. 2017 Archaeogenomic Evidence Reveals Prehistoric Matrilineal Dynasty (Canvas)
READ: Claw, et al. Chaco Canyon Dig Unearths Ethical Concerns (Canvas) WATCH: NAGRPA One Size Doesn't Fit All 25 min READ: Shafer-Elliott, pp. 217-234 |
5:00 pm Last day to submit Group Assessment for Living Histories Assignment
6 Mar
8:00 am to 10:00 pm. Attend Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists (CCPA) Annual Meeting in Pueblo. Meet at Barnes loading dock at 8:00 am for transportation.
Take notes in your field notebook on conference presentations.
Conference website, |
7 Mar
7:30 am to 6:30 pm. Attend CCPA Annual Meeting in Pueblo, CO
Take notes in your field notebook on conference presentations.
Week 4: archaeology, the past, and you
9 Mar
No class due to Saturday meeting
Scott will be in Barnes 312 office 9 to 2. Teams should collaborate on their Survey Reports. Meet with Scott for feedback on reports. |
Meet with Scott to receive feedback on reports -- strongly recommended, not required.
10 Mar
8:45 or 9:15 (Depending on Group A or B) Meet at GIS Lab - Exam, everyone will take GPS points and produce a sketch map. You will have until 1:00 pm when we begin our lab. After the lab you will have until 4:00 pm.
1:00 to 2:00 Meet at Fine Arts Center. Meet with the SW Curator, discuss NAGPRA, and special collections visit. |
Field Notebooks due (bring to lab or drop off at my office by the end of the day)
Resubmit of answers to Kelly (optional) |
11 Mar
What have we learned?
Next steps in archaeology. |
READ: Childs: Finders Keepers
OPTIONAL: READ: Ethics in Professional Archaeology WATCH: Visit with Respect READ: Altshchul and Patterson 2010 Trends in Employment and Training in American Archaeology |
9:00 am Final Survey Report due
9:00 All Key Concept Quiz Attempts must be complete. |