Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead (Anthropologist)
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead (Anthropologist)
If you're interested in learning what an anthropology major or minor can do for you, please meet with me. ********************* BECOME AN ANTHROPOLOGIST Many anthropologists and archaeologists in North America belong to two professional associations: the Society for American Archaeology and the American Anthropological Association. Both organizations offer useful information for those considering a career in anthropology and/or archaeology. Please read some of the webpages below that interest you: This is Anthropology Careers in Anthropology What do Anthropologists do? FAQs for Students Intel's Cultural Anthropologist This is Anthropology by Charlotte Noble Anthropologists at Work: Careers Making a Difference Differences between academic and CRM archaeology |
And, read/view these resources:
So You Want to be an Archaeologist? by WGBH, Public Media
Is the Past in Your Future, by the Society for American Archaeology
You can also see what types of jobs are available for academic archaeologists at the sites below. Search under "archaeologist" or "anthropologist."
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Anthropologists and Archaeologists
The Chronicle of Higher Education
HigherEd Jobs
AAA Jobs Database
And, you can see what types of jobs are available in CRM (Cultural Resource Management):
ShovelBums (also has a list of field school opportunities)
How many archaeologist are there in the U.S.?
For the Anthropology majors or those considering it, here's a book, "The Anthropology Graduate's Guide: From Student to a Career" for additional support.
And, why not joint the Anthropology Club at CC?
How to ask for a letter of recommendation: click here
Information about the sub-disciplines of anthropology (more coming):
Dental Anthropology
So You Want to be an Archaeologist? by WGBH, Public Media
Is the Past in Your Future, by the Society for American Archaeology
You can also see what types of jobs are available for academic archaeologists at the sites below. Search under "archaeologist" or "anthropologist."
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Anthropologists and Archaeologists
The Chronicle of Higher Education
HigherEd Jobs
AAA Jobs Database
And, you can see what types of jobs are available in CRM (Cultural Resource Management):
ShovelBums (also has a list of field school opportunities)
How many archaeologist are there in the U.S.?
For the Anthropology majors or those considering it, here's a book, "The Anthropology Graduate's Guide: From Student to a Career" for additional support.
And, why not joint the Anthropology Club at CC?
How to ask for a letter of recommendation: click here
Information about the sub-disciplines of anthropology (more coming):
Dental Anthropology