KEY Archaeological terms and CONCEPTS
Learning Objective: To understand and apply key archaeological terms and concepts to effectively communicate archaeological information.
The study of archaeology and the past relies on a unique vocabulary. Learning this vocabulary expands what we understand about archaeology and allows us to develop a rich, interconnect network of knowledge. Below are the key terms/concepts you should know and be able to use as a result of taking this course. You will encounter many of them in your readings, during class, and during field work.
To solidify your understanding of these terms/concepts and demonstrate your competence with their use, you will have an opportunity to take a single quiz once a week throughout the block (4 times). The quiz will be available throughout the block. This quiz is to be taken individually. While taking the quiz you may use your Field Notebook but no other resources such as the internet or the textbooks. The quiz is time limited to 30 minutes and will consist of multiple choice, true/false and/or matching questions. The quiz will be offered online through Canvas. Your highest score of four attempts will apply to your final course grade.
Definitions and examples of the application of the terms/concepts below will be provided in class, through assignments, and in the books that have been assigned during the block.
IMPORTANT! The question bank will contain questions about terms/concepts that cover the entire course. In other words, you will encounter terms/concepts before you have read about them or they have been discussed in class. And, not every term/concept below will be discussed in class. By encountering all the terms/concepts early and often in the quiz, I hope it will be easier for you focus on retaining their definition and use when you encounter them.
The study of archaeology and the past relies on a unique vocabulary. Learning this vocabulary expands what we understand about archaeology and allows us to develop a rich, interconnect network of knowledge. Below are the key terms/concepts you should know and be able to use as a result of taking this course. You will encounter many of them in your readings, during class, and during field work.
To solidify your understanding of these terms/concepts and demonstrate your competence with their use, you will have an opportunity to take a single quiz once a week throughout the block (4 times). The quiz will be available throughout the block. This quiz is to be taken individually. While taking the quiz you may use your Field Notebook but no other resources such as the internet or the textbooks. The quiz is time limited to 30 minutes and will consist of multiple choice, true/false and/or matching questions. The quiz will be offered online through Canvas. Your highest score of four attempts will apply to your final course grade.
Definitions and examples of the application of the terms/concepts below will be provided in class, through assignments, and in the books that have been assigned during the block.
IMPORTANT! The question bank will contain questions about terms/concepts that cover the entire course. In other words, you will encounter terms/concepts before you have read about them or they have been discussed in class. And, not every term/concept below will be discussed in class. By encountering all the terms/concepts early and often in the quiz, I hope it will be easier for you focus on retaining their definition and use when you encounter them.
excavation unit
matrix features artifacts ecofact association context stratigraphy and stratigraphic analysis strata activity area material culture material correlates superpositioning uniformitarianism seriation cultural formation processes natural formation processes dendrochronology radiocarbon dating archaeomagnetic dating provenience datum environmental conditions favoring the preservation of artifacts sampling strategy (e.g., judgmental, systematic, random, stratified) research design probabilistic sampling "Preservation Laws" conservation archaeology NAGPRA repatriation cultural resources CRM (cultural resource management) mitigation phase lithic debitage |
shovel-test pits
ground penetrating radar (GPR) in situ assemblage survey excavation relative dating methods absolute dating methods temper inference AD, BC, BCE, CE, BP, kya, mya archaeobotany experimental archaeology ethnoarchaeology ethnographic analogy bioarchaeology ethnography core flakes use-wear correlation vs. causation remote sensing midden sherd aeolian alluvial catchment area ephemeral drainage sheet wash (or sheet erosion) bench (in geology) aspect landform depositional environment linear feature |
To understand and apply key archaeological terms and concepts to effectively communicate archaeological information.
Earn a score of 17 or more on the key concepts quiz, after 3 attempts.
Earn a score between 16 and 13 on the key concepts quiz.
Earn a score below 13 on the key concepts quiz