Click links below for rubrics |
due dates |
Improve your understanding of key mining and archaeological terms and concepts and demonstrate your knowledge with this quiz. May be taken up to three times.
26 Feb; 7 March; 13 March
Mapping an archaeological site is a key skill for any type of archaeologist. If weather permits, we will visit and map the Manitou Experimental Forest cabin investigated in the Historic documentary record project. If weather does not permit a site visit, this assignment will be modified.
14 March
9:00 am |
Develop your documentary research skills by investigating the research question: who lived in the MEF cabin, when did they live there, and what were they doing there?
13 March
9:00 am |
Archaeologists use artifacts to understand past human behavior. This activity will give you an opportunity to develop your skills by identifying individual artifacts (bottles, cans, etc.) and interpreting an assemblage.
12 March
9:00 am |
Learn about some aspect of historical archaeology you are interested in and share what you learn with the class. Projects must be approved in advance.
6 March and 8 March
Your contributions to the learning community, attendance, discussion leadership, and conference participation are an important part of your grade. Please review the participation expectations and rubric -- and upload the Self Assessment of Participation Form before the end of the block (click here).
Please come see me if you you would like additional clarification of the expectations of any of the projects/activities above!
All grades are posted on Canvas. Please check it often and look for my comments on each Activity.
All grades are posted on Canvas. Please check it often and look for my comments on each Activity.
Activities to earn additional points
If you'd like to earn additional points toward your final course grade, please propose a project/activity or other type of contribution that will enhance what we all learn about historical archaeology this block. Note: there is an assemblage in our lab that needs documentation.
Course Letter grades
A 93-100+
A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 60-66 F<= 59 Pass/Fall: Pass >= 70 points and all assignments submitted |
The assignment of a final letter grade is a combination of both quantitative metrics (above) and qualitative assessment, especially engagement and contributions to the learning community of our course. Quantitative and qualitative assessments may differ.