mapping an archaeological site
Learning Objective: To gain beginner to intermediate level skills with a GPS receiver and geographic information systems software.
Making a map of past human action on a landscape is an essential archaeological skill. Recording the location and drawing a site plan contributes to preserving and protecting a site, is essential for interpreting the site as a part of a large human and environmental landscape, and it informs our interpretations of past human decisions and actions. Making a map is a work of science and art.
If weather permits, we will visit and map the Manitou Experimental Forest cabin investigated in the Historic documentary record project. If weather does not permit a site visit, this assignment will be modified.
Map requirements:
See: "Sample Sketch Map" in Canvas for an example.
Save as a pdf and upload to Canvas.
9-10 points: The map contains all the required items listed above. The map is an accurate representation of the site. The map balances the need for detail and the requirement of simplicity. The map is aesthetically pleasing.
8 points: The map contains all the required items listed above. The map is a mostly accurate representation of the site. The map struggles with balancing the need for detail and the requirement of simplicity. The map works but lacks aesthetic qualities.
6-0 points: The map contains most of the required items above. The map contains inaccurate depictions of the site. The map does not successfully balance the need for detail and the requirement of simplicity. The map is not visually appealing.
Making a map of past human action on a landscape is an essential archaeological skill. Recording the location and drawing a site plan contributes to preserving and protecting a site, is essential for interpreting the site as a part of a large human and environmental landscape, and it informs our interpretations of past human decisions and actions. Making a map is a work of science and art.
If weather permits, we will visit and map the Manitou Experimental Forest cabin investigated in the Historic documentary record project. If weather does not permit a site visit, this assignment will be modified.
Map requirements:
- Descriptive title: Manitou Experimental Forest, White Spruce Gulch Cabin Project, Colorado College
- Site number: See MEF report
- Location: Township, Range, Section, USGS Quadrangle name
- Map scale in feet
- North arrow
- Datum: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 13N
- Your name: "Created by ......."
- Date
- Key or legend explaining all symbols that appear on the map (use USGS map symbols as available)
- Sufficient detail to find the location and describe the features or location of the artifacts/features
- USGS topo baselayer (if available); otherwise, the DEM is fine
- a grid around the data frame with northing and easting numbers (search the internet for "qgis graticules or grids" for methods; try this source/click here). The grid measurements should match the northing/eastings taken with the GPS.
- 8" x 11", portrait or landscape orientation
See: "Sample Sketch Map" in Canvas for an example.
Save as a pdf and upload to Canvas.
9-10 points: The map contains all the required items listed above. The map is an accurate representation of the site. The map balances the need for detail and the requirement of simplicity. The map is aesthetically pleasing.
8 points: The map contains all the required items listed above. The map is a mostly accurate representation of the site. The map struggles with balancing the need for detail and the requirement of simplicity. The map works but lacks aesthetic qualities.
6-0 points: The map contains most of the required items above. The map contains inaccurate depictions of the site. The map does not successfully balance the need for detail and the requirement of simplicity. The map is not visually appealing.