Archaeology of the North american southwest, Grading
learning component
brief description |
due date |
points |
Learning key archaeological terms/concepts expands what we understand about archaeology and the past and allows us to develop a rich, interconnect network of knowledge.
See Course schedule
Exam 1
(take home) |
Respond to a several questions requiring a synthetic understanding of what has been offered and learned to this point in the course.
10 May, 9:15 am on Canvas
Respond to several questions requiring a synthetic understanding of what has been offered and learned throughout the course.
17 May, 9:15 am on Canvas
Your contributions to the learning community, the group presentation, attendance are an important part of the points you can earn for the course.
All grades are posted on Canvas. Please check it often and look for my comments on each Activity.
Activities to earn additional points
Revisit the book we read during the field trip: In Search of the Old Ones. React to some of the key issues to develop your own opinions about the SW.
Submit your field trip journal
Keep a journal on both what you learned and what that learning promoted you to think about during the field trip. The act of taking notes on what we see and what we think about what was seen is a way to solidify our knowledge and understanding.
Discussion leadership of assigned articles
Lead a discussion on one of our "close reading" texts (with an asterisk). Approval in advance required.
Course Letter grades
A 93-100+
A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 60-66 F<= 59 Pass/Fall: Pass >= 70 points and all assignments submitted |