due date
Review Questions
(click links for more information on each activity) |
Strengthen your retention of key information and demonstrate your learning by answering review questions from your readings, class presentations, and films. Due the day/time as stated in the Schedule.
See course schedule
Cross-cultural comparative study (individual or group project)
You will generate your own insights about the past by learning how to design and conduct a cross-cultural study using the Human Relations Area Files (a library database). Submit in Blackboard, "Assignments, Submit Here."
23 Nov by 10 am
Deepen your understanding of North American archaeology by selecting one of the optional books available for this course and answering the book questions available here.
14 Dec by 10:30 am.
There are 40 classes from 4 September through 9 December. Between 4 September and 9 December, 0.5 points will be awarded for each class you attend (number of classes attended x 0.5 = your attendance points).
All grades are posted on Blackboard. Please check it often. Total: 100
Activities to earn additional points
Develop and practice your ability to manage and acquire new information -- a challenge you will likely face in your career. Due 4 December by 10:00 am.
I’d like to get to know you and learn how I can help you meet your educational goals. I’d also appreciate your feedback on the course and any suggestions you have for improvements. Must be complete by 9 November.
In-class activity.
We may occasionally have an in-class activity designed to help us meet the learning objectives for the course. These activities will not be on the course calendar and may or may not be announced. The successful completion of some of these activities, which may simply be participating in the activity, may result in points added to your grade. Not all in-class activities will result in additional points.
Course Letter grades
90 to 100 points = A
80 to 89 points = B
70 to 79 points = C
60 to 69 points = D
< 60 points = F
80 to 89 points = B
70 to 79 points = C
60 to 69 points = D
< 60 points = F