Click links below for rubrics |
due dates |
Improve your understanding of key anthropological concepts and demonstrate your knowledge with this quiz. May be taken up to three times.
4 Dec, 9:00 am
11 Dec, 9:00 am 18 Dec, 9:00 am |
All archaeological interpretation begins with an understanding of the social and environmental context of past human actions. This activity will enhance your knowledge of these aspects of the SW as well as you sense of place at CC.
14 Dec, 9:00 am
Respond to several questions requiring a synthetic understanding of what has been offered and learned in the course.
12 Dec, 9:00 am
Revise your first submission based on feedback received.
19 Dec, 9:00 am
Earning an 'A' in a CC course requires a significant commitment to your learning. It is not just a product of doing what is expected, it is a product of asking more of yourself.
14 Dec, 1:15 pm
17 Dec, 1:15 pm 19 Dec, 9:00 am |
see below
Your contributions to the learning community, attendance, and participation are important for your learning and the learning that occurs in our learning community.
Please come see me if you would like additional clarification of the expectations of any of the projects/activities above!
All assessments are posted on Canvas. Please check it often and look for comments on each Activity.
All assessments are posted on Canvas. Please check it often and look for comments on each Activity.
Course Letter grades
A = All learning activities above completed and submitted. All or most activities received an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment. To receive an "A" grade requires that you demonstrate significant efforts towards and engagement with your learning and our learning community. You are also expected to enhance your learning in the course with an additional learning project (click link for more information) that upon completion exceeds expectations.
B = All learning activities above completed and submitted. All or most activities received an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment. The quality of your learning, effort, engagement, and contributions to the learning community were high. If you chose to take on an additional learning project, the quality of that work did not exceed expectations.
C = All learning activities above completed and submitted. All activities received an "Exceeds Expectations" or "Meets Expectations" assessment. Your effort, engagement, and contributions to the learning community were adequate but not distinguished.
D and No Credit = All or most of the learning activities above were completed and submitted but the quality was uneven (e.g., meets expectations and does not meet expectations) and the expected commitment to your learning and our community of learners was not sufficiently evident.
Pass/Fail = If you are taking the block pass/fail, to receive a "pass" assessment you must meet the expectations for a "C" letter grade.
The addition of a '+' or '-' to a letter grade is a qualitative and holistic assessment of the quality of all learning activities and your effort and engagement.
For any activity to receive an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment it must be submitted on-time unless extenuating circumstances have been discussed.
B = All learning activities above completed and submitted. All or most activities received an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment. The quality of your learning, effort, engagement, and contributions to the learning community were high. If you chose to take on an additional learning project, the quality of that work did not exceed expectations.
C = All learning activities above completed and submitted. All activities received an "Exceeds Expectations" or "Meets Expectations" assessment. Your effort, engagement, and contributions to the learning community were adequate but not distinguished.
D and No Credit = All or most of the learning activities above were completed and submitted but the quality was uneven (e.g., meets expectations and does not meet expectations) and the expected commitment to your learning and our community of learners was not sufficiently evident.
Pass/Fail = If you are taking the block pass/fail, to receive a "pass" assessment you must meet the expectations for a "C" letter grade.
The addition of a '+' or '-' to a letter grade is a qualitative and holistic assessment of the quality of all learning activities and your effort and engagement.
For any activity to receive an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment it must be submitted on-time unless extenuating circumstances have been discussed.