Dates |
Topic |
what should i Do Before class? |
due dates |
24 April
9:00 - 11:00 Call roll to help wait-listed students, course overview,
observation vs. inference activity, introductions, and field trip description. Form six groups for presentations. 11:15 First Monday speaker |
25 AprilTUE
9:15 class start
How is archaeology practiced? Range Creek video. DISCUSS: Colwell, CH 1-2 Answer questions re: syllabus Presentation group meetings; review expectations |
READ: This course website; come to class with any questions.
READ: Colwell-Chanthaphonh, CH 1-2* READ: Bahn, CH 1-2 GROUP 1 (Ancestral Puebloan and Hohokam) please read the provided resources for your topic to prepare for meeting with your group). |
26 April
Cactus Ruin activity (research questions, culture history, etc.)
STUDY: Cactus Ruin surface map and the map key; compare it to the Roy's Ruin excavation report and come up with several research questions to guide future excavation.
READ: Varien, Roy's Ruin (this is the excavation report that informs the Cactus Ruin activity) READ: Peoples of the Mesa Verde Region (this is background for the Cactus Ruin activity). Please read the whole linked site; see tabs at top for full content: "Paleoindian, Archaic, etc.). |
Group presentations: Ancestral Puebloan, Hohokam
27 April
9:15 Observation and inference, part 2, in our regular classroom.
10:45 Visual learning strategies at the Fine Arts Center |
READ: Feinman, Settlement and Landscape Archaeology* (Canvas, "Files")
READ: Bahn, CH 3-6 |
Group presentations: Patayan, Mogollon
28 April
Field trip planning and discussion of learning objectives. Individual and group expectations of each other during field trip. |
WATCH: Visit with Respect video*
READ: Basso, Wisdom Sits in Places* (Canvas) REVIEW: Field trip equipment list |
Group presentations: Trincheras, Casas Grandes (Paquime)
WEEK 2: Field trip!
30 April
1:00 pm Depart for Baca campus
Dinner and overnight at Baca |
READ (before quiz): Bahn, CH: 7-10
READ (before Sunday departure): Colwell CH 3 READ (on field trip): Roberts, In Search of the Old Ones, Prologue and The Cowboy Who Found Cliff Palace |
Key Concepts Quiz Attempt 1 due by noon.
1 May
Visit Paleoindian site (Stewart's Cattle Guard) at Great Sand Dunes
Dinner and overnight at Baca |
READ: Roberts, In Search of the Old Ones,
Moqui Canyon and Fault Lines |
2 May
Travel to and visit Mesa Verde National Park
Overnight camping at Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Park |
READ: Roberts, In Search of the Old Ones,
The Place of One Who is Standing, In Praise of Cedar Mesa |
3 May
Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Park, full-day visit
Overnight at Cortez/Mesa Verde KOA |
READ: Roberts, In Search of the Old Ones, The Trail to Awatovi, The Outdoor Museum
4 May
Possible visit to Hovenweep
Travel to and visit Chaco 8:00 pm Chaco Night Sky program Overnight camping at Chaco |
READ: Roberts, In Search of the Old Ones, Beyond the Anasazi
5 May
8:00 - 10:00 am Chaco tour
Travel to Colorado College, arrive evening Discuss topics for Monday and Tuesday on return bus |
READ: Roberts, In Search of the Old Ones, The Sucked Orange
week 3
8 May
Discussion of field trip
Topic TBD based on field trip DISCUSS: Roberts (finish) Write exam questions |
READ: Plog, et al., Key Issues and Topics in the Archaeology of the American Southwest and NW Mexico* (Canvas)
READ: finish Roberts, Colwell CH 3 (if not complete) |
Extra credit due: Bring your field trip journal to class for submission - will be returned
9 May
DISCUSS: Colwell CH 3 |
No Readings; time to work on the Exam; or, read ahead for Wednesday.
Key Concepts Quiz Attempt 2 due by 9:15 am.
10 May
Movement - Depopulation
READ: Naranjo, Thoughts on Migration*(Canvas)
READ: Kuwanwisiwma, Hopi Story of Chaco* (Canvas) READ: Cameron, Leaving Mesa Verde*(Canvas) READ: Varien 2010 Depopulation of Northern San Juan*(Canvas) |
Exam 1 due by 9:15 am
11 May
Encounters with the Spanish
12 May
Future archaeological research in the SW
READ: Colwell, CH 5-6*
READ: Ingram and Gilpin, Southwestern Archaeology Beyond Archaeology* (Canvas) |
week 4
15 May
No class - work on Final Exam
Extended office hours: 9:30 to 12:00 and 1:30 to 3:00 QUIZ REVIEW, 10:00 am, OPTIONAL |
16 May
Now you know so what do you do?
Who owns the past? Archaeological field schools, Site Stewards, and more. DISCUSS: Colwell, CH 4 |
Key Concepts Quiz Attempt 3 due by 9:00 am.
17 May
What have we learned?
Discussion of final exam. Participation self evaluation.
* Requires a slow and close reading to understand. The text will be discussed in class. Readings without an asterisk will cover material important for your learning, the Key Concepts Quiz, and Exams but will not be discussed in class.