Living Histories: Native Americans and Southwestern Archaeology
by Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh
Learning Objective: As a result of designing (in a small group) and implementing a class learning session with the book, you should be able to discuss with competence and nuance the relationship between Native peoples and archaeologists of the American Southwest. The ability to "discuss with competence and nuance" in the context of this class requires: (1) knowledge of the relationship informed by multiple well-understood examples and some knowledge of history, (2) knowledge of perspectives from both sides of the relationship, (3) knowledge of current approaches and efforts toward a better future relationship; and, (4) small group meetings outside of class to discuss the book, design a learning session, and evaluate the effectiveness of the session.
Five student groups will each lead a 30 minute learning activity associated with a section of the book during five class meetings. Each group will be expected to meet outside of class to discuss their assigned section and to devise a 30 minute learning session. During the in-class session, please lead the group to a greater understanding of the issues and knowledge stimulated by the book. Following the session, please meet again with your group to evaluate the learning session by answering the following questions (which are the expectations for leading the session):
Please meet following your learning session to reflect on what you learned and the extent to which your session met your learning objectives. Please have one person from your group email me your responses to the above within 2 days of completing your in-class learning session. Thanks!
1) Did your group meet to plan the learning session?
2) Did you discuss the book for at least 15 minutes in addition to planning the learning session? If not, why not?
3) Did everyone contribute equally to planning the discussion and learning session? If not, why not?
4) What was/were your learning objectives for the session?
5) What do you think the class learned from the session?
6) If you were to do another session on the book, what would you do differently?
Five student groups will each lead a 30 minute learning activity associated with a section of the book during five class meetings. Each group will be expected to meet outside of class to discuss their assigned section and to devise a 30 minute learning session. During the in-class session, please lead the group to a greater understanding of the issues and knowledge stimulated by the book. Following the session, please meet again with your group to evaluate the learning session by answering the following questions (which are the expectations for leading the session):
Please meet following your learning session to reflect on what you learned and the extent to which your session met your learning objectives. Please have one person from your group email me your responses to the above within 2 days of completing your in-class learning session. Thanks!
1) Did your group meet to plan the learning session?
2) Did you discuss the book for at least 15 minutes in addition to planning the learning session? If not, why not?
3) Did everyone contribute equally to planning the discussion and learning session? If not, why not?
4) What was/were your learning objectives for the session?
5) What do you think the class learned from the session?
6) If you were to do another session on the book, what would you do differently?
To discuss with nuance and competence the relationship between Native peoples and archaeologists of the SW.
The group leading the learning session was well prepared, the session advanced the ability of the class to to discuss with nuance and competence the relationship between Native peoples and archaeologists of the SW, all members of the group participated in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the session.
The group leading the learning session was mostly prepared, the session might have had some impact on the ability of the class to discuss with nuance and competence the relationship between Native peoples and archaeologists of the SW, and all or most members of the group participated in the design, implementation, and evaluation of the session.
The group leading the learning session was not well prepared, the session had no noticeable impact on the ability of the class to discuss with nuance and competence the relationship between Native peoples and archaeologists of the SW, and the group did not function well to design, implement, and evaluate the session.