Course design and learning outcomes
WEEK 1: Understanding sustainability and collapse
The questions and concepts we consider at the beginning of our course will become the foundation for our study of sustainability, past and present. These questions include: What is sustainability? What is the resilience? What is archaeology and how can it contribute to sustainability efforts? What factors/conditions contribute to social and environmental sustainability and the collapse of past, present, and future peoples?
The questions and concepts we consider at the beginning of our course will become the foundation for our study of sustainability, past and present. These questions include: What is sustainability? What is the resilience? What is archaeology and how can it contribute to sustainability efforts? What factors/conditions contribute to social and environmental sustainability and the collapse of past, present, and future peoples?
After completing this section, you should be able to:
WEEK 2: Developing a long-term perspective on human and environmental history of the San Luis Valley
The concept of sustainability begs the question: sustainability of what, for who? Our focal place is the San Luis Valley. During our week-long stay in the Valley we will visit multiple archaeological sites to inform our understanding of the social and environmental history of the Valley. One purpose of visiting these sites is to develop a "sense of place" -- a necessary prerequisite for engaging in thoughtful and effective efforts to understand sustainability and resilience from a long-term perspective. During Block 2 you will be exclusively focused on the community of Crestone and their efforts to address a changing climate future and food security. Our time in the SLV will prepare you for that work.
The concept of sustainability begs the question: sustainability of what, for who? Our focal place is the San Luis Valley. During our week-long stay in the Valley we will visit multiple archaeological sites to inform our understanding of the social and environmental history of the Valley. One purpose of visiting these sites is to develop a "sense of place" -- a necessary prerequisite for engaging in thoughtful and effective efforts to understand sustainability and resilience from a long-term perspective. During Block 2 you will be exclusively focused on the community of Crestone and their efforts to address a changing climate future and food security. Our time in the SLV will prepare you for that work.
After completing this section, you should be able to:
WEEK 3: Creating a climate chronology, comparing it to a human history, and producing a Final Report
Climate and global warming are focal aspects of our study of sustainability. Tree-rings are the strongest proxy data used to retrodict past climates during the past several thousand years. Becoming familiar with the methods, strengths, and weaknesses of tree-ring based climate work contributes to your ability to evaluate one line of evidence used to support or refute anthropogenic, global-scale, climate warming. The questions we consider are: what is the evidence for anthropogenic global warming? What is at stake? How do tree-ring widths contribute to our understanding of past climates?
Climate and global warming are focal aspects of our study of sustainability. Tree-rings are the strongest proxy data used to retrodict past climates during the past several thousand years. Becoming familiar with the methods, strengths, and weaknesses of tree-ring based climate work contributes to your ability to evaluate one line of evidence used to support or refute anthropogenic, global-scale, climate warming. The questions we consider are: what is the evidence for anthropogenic global warming? What is at stake? How do tree-ring widths contribute to our understanding of past climates?
After completing this section, you should be able to:
WEEK 4: Synthesizing and reflecting on your learning
After completing this section, you should be able to:
An integrating theme throughout the FYE is to prepare you for a successful academic and personal learning experience at CC.