Click links below for rubrics |
due dates |
A field notebook is a record of the day-to-day details of our fieldwork. It is essential for creating an accurate and comprehensive final report of field work.
Scan and upload copy of Field notes to Canvas by 16 May, noon
Paper presentations/discussion leadership
As scheduled
Tree-ring Climate-Human Behavior Project
(individual OR group project) |
Projects to determine the climatic context of past human behavior and action are key components of most archaeological investigations. This project will develop a suite of methodological and theoretical skills for working with tree-rings as a climate proxy and making inferences about human behavior.
16 May, noon, email to Scott/Eric
Your contributions to the learning community, attendance, and participation are important for everyone's learning.
Please come see us if you you would like additional clarification of the expectations of any of the projects/activities above!
All grades are posted on Canvas. Please check it often and look for our comments on each Activity.
All grades are posted on Canvas. Please check it often and look for our comments on each Activity.
Activities to earn additional points
Course Letter grades
A 93-100+
A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 60-66 F<= 59 Pass/Fall: Pass >= 70 points and all assignments submitted |
The assignment of a final letter grade is a combination of both quantitative metrics (above) and qualitative assessment, especially engagement and contributions to the learning community of our course. Quantitative and qualitative assessments may differ.