How to set up your concept map for submission on blackboard
Once your map is complete and ready to submit on Blackboard:
1) In Cmap, select, "File" (top left corner of the page you designed your map on) > "Export Cmap As" > "Portable Document Format..."
2) In the "Export Cmap as Portable Document Format" window, find and select the file in your computer. Don't close the window!
3) Select the "Options" button in the lower right of the "Export Cmap as Portable Document Format" window. Next to Orientation, select "Landscape." Select "OK". Create a Folder in the "Export Cmap as Portable Document Format" window so you can find your file, name your file, Select "Save."
4) Find and select the link titled, "Assignments, SUBMIT HERE" on the left, top side of our course Blackboard page. You can upload maps/activities to Blackboard at any time prior to the start of our class. The link to submit assignments goes away after the due day/time, and you cannot submit your assignments late. As a matter of fairness, no late assignments will be accepted.
For additional information on uploading files to Blackboard, please see: Frequently Asked Questions, Video.
1) In Cmap, select, "File" (top left corner of the page you designed your map on) > "Export Cmap As" > "Portable Document Format..."
2) In the "Export Cmap as Portable Document Format" window, find and select the file in your computer. Don't close the window!
3) Select the "Options" button in the lower right of the "Export Cmap as Portable Document Format" window. Next to Orientation, select "Landscape." Select "OK". Create a Folder in the "Export Cmap as Portable Document Format" window so you can find your file, name your file, Select "Save."
4) Find and select the link titled, "Assignments, SUBMIT HERE" on the left, top side of our course Blackboard page. You can upload maps/activities to Blackboard at any time prior to the start of our class. The link to submit assignments goes away after the due day/time, and you cannot submit your assignments late. As a matter of fairness, no late assignments will be accepted.
For additional information on uploading files to Blackboard, please see: Frequently Asked Questions, Video.