Click links below for rubrics |
Strengthen your retention of key concepts and demonstrate your learning by answering questions about the concepts, readings, and class presentations, etc. Three opportunities to take the quiz to maximize points.
22 Jan, 30 Jan, 8 Feb, 12 Feb
All archaeological interpretation begins with an understanding of the social and environmental context of past human actions. This activity will enhance your knowledge of these aspects of the SW as well as you sense of place at CC.
28 Jan, 4 Feb, 12 Feb
Our insights into collapse and sustainability will come from data we collect from strong peer-reviewed sources. The data table and the narrative case descriptions are KEY learning components of the block.
Multiple, determined by research progress (see schedule)
Research Paper
(group project) |
Build your understanding of collapse, sustainability, and how the past can/cannot inform the present. The Research Paper will present a coherent argument derived from our results.
14 Feb
Your contributions to the learning community, attendance, and participation are important for your learning and the learning that occurs in our community. There will also be several non-graded activities important for your learning (e.g., coding activity, peer reviews, citation quiz, critique of the Initial Conditions paper, effectiveness of team collaboration.
All grades are posted on Canvas. Please check it often and look for my comments on each Assignment.
Course Letter grades
A =
B =
C =
D =
Pass/Fail = If you are taking the block pass/fail, to receive a "pass" assessment you must meet the expectations for a "C" letter grade.
The addition of a '+' or '-' to a letter grade is a qualitative and holistic assessment of the quality of all learning activities and your effort and engagement.
For any activity to receive an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment it must be submitted on-time unless extenuating circumstances have been discussed.
- All learning activities above completed and submitted
- Most activities (3 of 5) received an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment
- Effort and engagement must be "Outstanding"
B =
- All learning activities above completed and submitted
- Most activities (3 of 5) received an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment
- Effort and engagement was "Satisfactory"
C =
- All learning activities above completed and submitted
- Most activities (3 of 5) received a "Meets Expectations" assessment
- Effort and engagement was "Satisfactory"
D =
- Some learning activities were not completed and submitted
- Most activities (3 of 5) received a "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory" assessment
- Effort and engagement was "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory"
- Most learning activities (3 of 5) were not completed; OR,
- Effort and engagement was "Unsatisfactory"
Pass/Fail = If you are taking the block pass/fail, to receive a "pass" assessment you must meet the expectations for a "C" letter grade.
The addition of a '+' or '-' to a letter grade is a qualitative and holistic assessment of the quality of all learning activities and your effort and engagement.
For any activity to receive an "Exceeds Expectations" assessment it must be submitted on-time unless extenuating circumstances have been discussed.